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Telstra Bigpond Email Shutdown

Do you have a BIGPOND email address?

You only have a few months left to save you emails and move them to another email system?

What do I do next?

1. Create a new email address in a different system

You can migrate your Bigpond email account to Microsoft 365.

BE AWARE there may be a monthly fee depending on what you signup


Read more about how to

Click Here to create an OUTLOOK email

You can move your Bigpond email to a new GMAIL email account

Read more about how to

Click here to create a GMAIL email.

If you are a small business using bigpond as your email address, we can create you your business email using your existing domain.

Use other email systems and forward all your emails from bigpond. Here a few:

2. Move all your emails from bigpond to new email address

To move and divert all emails from BigPond to another provider, you'll need to follow a few steps. Here's a general guide:

  1. Set up forwarding in BigPond:
    - Log into your BigPond email account

    - Look for "Settings" or "Options"

    - Find "Forwarding" or "Mail Forwarding"

    - Enter your new email address

    - Save the changes

  2. Set up your new email provider:

    - Create an account with your new provider if you haven't already

    - Set up your new email address

  3. Import existing emails (optional):

    - Many providers offer an import tool

    - You may need to use IMAP to transfer old emails

  4. Update POP3/IMAP settings (if using an email client):

    - Change the incoming and outgoing server settings to your new provider

  5. Notify contacts:

    - Send a message to your contacts about your new email address

  6. Monitor both accounts:

    - Check both for a transition period to ensure you're not missing emails

  7. Eventually close BigPond account:

    - Once you're sure everything is transferred, you can close the old account

Any further questions, queries or assistance please contact us on 03 5952 3312 or text 0449 727 689